Posts tagged roundup
Microsoft Excel shortcut round up
Jul 29th
Periodically I post on twitter some handy keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel. I am going to try and make this a more regular occurance with weekly roundups, so in case you’ve missed those I’ve tweeted so far, here they are:
Add a border around selected cells CTRL + SHIFT + &
Remove a border from selected cells CTRL + SHIFT + _
Add a comment to a cell SHIFT + F2
Hide a row CTRL + 9
Unhide a Row CTRL + SHIFT + (
Hide a column CTRL + 0
Unhide a Column CTRL + SHIFT + ) NB: if you’re using Windows Vista or Windows 7 this probably won’t work. See here for why and a way to get around this
Convert selected cell to a currency format CTRL+SHIFT+$ NB: this coverts to the default regional setting, so if you’ve UK settings will be £ despite the $ used in the shortcut!
I hope you find these useful, I’ll continue to post them regularly but what’s your most used keyboard shortcut? Let me know in the comments below.